
In which I make a second Post.

Teaching is a sacred service in my opinion. One gives the best of what they have in order to promote the best in today's youth. Sure there are perks, but most of the time they just attempt to even out the balance of what teachers give. My guess is that this balance of how much the teacher gives to each of their students and take for themselves is the biggest destroyer of teachers out there. this may be a tangent, but bear with me for a moment. the other day, i asked my study group if anyone else was scared to become a teacher. everyone said yes. teaching is scary. i love working with kids. i love that look that they have on their faces when they finally get something. that being said, Why are there so very many horrible teachers out there? it's not for the money, or apparently the personal benefits, so then what? For every Great teacher that someone can name, that same person can usually think of two absolutely useless teachers. if only a third (at best) of teachers love thier work and try hard to get through to students, what happened to the others? (Remember when I said bear with me? Here it comes.) If good teachers throw thier job/homelife balance off, they become poor teachers or poor people, not both.
i don't know, maybe i'm just talking out my butt.
more later.

First Post WOOT!

right then!
Today (postdated a week ago monday) we watched the first segment of Lions For Lambs. I dig it. this movie has really hit home in some rather interesting ways. Two of the three intertwined plot lines reflect something about my life. you have the two soldiers in afganistan, a senator selling his military initiative to the public, and a professor trying to talk 'round a student that stopped coming to class.
I've struggled with "the military question" for a long while, should I as a citizen that wants to give something back to my government do military service? when should I do it? after college? after having a few years of "real world" under my belt? *shrug* I don't know.
As far as being a student, I'm usually the definition of what not to be. I'm not a big partier, but I like to stay up late and talk out the world with friends. I've skipped many of my classes in the past, in fact, to my shame, I had two classes in the same room consecutively last semester, and for a good majority i would skip the first and Very Carefully sneak into the room afterwards so I wouldn't miss my second class. I say it was more than human fortitude, but mostly it was just me being lame.
more on this later.